How to project a likeable image as male escorts
I have been wondering for a while and this idea struck me; it is not what you do that matters but how you make people perceive what you do. Let me explain. There are jobs you can do which people can easily look down on. Take for example, cleaning the restaurant after everyone else have had their fill or being a waiter for the guests of an occasion. Waiters in particular and the organizers of occasions are those who make the party or event happen but they may never get to enjoy the event because they will be busy while it lasts. They are the ones who give the people the joy they go home with but they are also the ones who are ignored.
It is up to the waiters then to blow their trumpets for people to respect their contributions to every event. It I up to them to tell the world the importance of what they do and to make their campaign attractive to the point younger generations will find fulfillment in becoming a waiter. If they fail to do this, sooner or later, there may be no waiters to handle our events anymore.
This is the bitter fate that is about to meet male escort. The real people who are into male escort are often too shy to speak up and tell the world the importance of their service to humanity, how they help numerous amount of people get over depression and in extension helping to curb the crimes that are related to depression, how they bring smile to the faces of many people who are going through one trial or the other and so on.
Male escorts have left their stories to be told by the media – most of who do not have a single idea of what it takes to be a male escort or how to go about the craft even. Trust me; the media is good at one thing; getting attraction and making money for themselves. Over the past decade, whenever male escort shows up in the media, it is only associated to negatives which is really unfair to those of us who actually know the need we are meeting.
I was eleven when our next door neighbor hung herself. The police has to break the door to bring down her body which was dangling from the ceiling. When investigation was conducted, it was revealed that she had a fight with her boyfriend which led to him breaking up with her. She obviously didn’t recover from the heart ache. I bet it would have been different if she knew about male escorts and hired their services during her trying time.
There are more stories out there of people who took their lives or took the lives of others as a result of depression. Some of these stories are never heard and the victims depart unnoticed. Male escorts have to rise u and take over the reporting of their activities in the media rather than let the media decide their fate. They can begin by granting interviews and pinpointing some of the ways their services have helped save humanity from disaster. Let the people get the right information from the right source – we male escorts owe the public this duty.
If these errors about male escorts continue to be disseminated, I fear in the nearest future, there may be no male escorts left to carry on the torch when the current crop of male escorts have outlived their prime. This is because the younger generation will be too afraid to get into the career. You wouldn’t want that day to come, will you? That will be the peak of boredom of human existence. I decided to share this my thoughts to get my fellow male escorts thinking and rise to the occasion because if we don’t blow our trumpet, someone else will pick it up, blow it wrongly to a tune that pains our ears and we will have no choice other than to dance to it.