We are all male companions
I sat down one day to analyse my life and it hit me, ‘we are all male companion. I only decided to go professional with mine’. It is very simple to understand what I mean. Take a look at your life, if you have ever had a girlfriend and I believe any adult male above eighteen reading this has then the picture will become easier to capture.
There must have been instances when your girlfriend would call you even ad odd hours and circumstances and would desire your companion. Unless you are the arrogant type, you would mostly oblige. Sitting close to you, wrapping herself in your warm embrace is enough to make her feel alive. The feeling is almost inexplicable. Without knowing it, at such moments, you are already playing the role of a male companions.
Let’s expand the picture a bit. If you have a family and I believe everyone does except you are some sort of alien your presence in the home always makes some kind of difference to your parents and your siblings. I remember before my granny died, she usually sit in her rocking chair close to the fireplace, alone or sometimes flipping through the pages of a newspaper. Each time I visited, she would always beckon me to sit close to her for a chat. Her smile and laughter always made me happy. Deep down, I was always proud of myself for bringing a smile to her face. I really felt her departure and later I began to crave for her smile. The memories lingered.
When my dad lost his job during the economic recession, it was really hard to him. At a point, I really thought we would lose him. He even started drinking heavily. Mum tried all she could to make him feel better without success. I remember walking up to my dad one day and telling him, ‘If you break down like this in the face of a minor challenge, what lesson are you teaching your children, us?’ I think those words made the difference because soon after, he dusted himself and started searching for another job. It wasn’t long after he did and he found another job that paid him better than the previous although he had to work harder and for longer hours.
You see, in one way or the other we have all been a male companions to someone; it may be a friend, someone that is grieving, a family member or just an acquaintance. No matter whom it was that you made smile, it doesn’t diminish the meaning in any way. The bottom line of a male escort is to make someone feel warm after meeting you, make them smile and give them hope.
A few people who understood the importance of companionship like me saw it necessary to do this in a different way and that is why we decided to become male companions and not because we are special in any way. No. we are the same and equal as every other human being. I may be paid to keep someone company and you may not but in the real sense of it, we are doing the same thing, just in different ways. If making people happy is what gives you happiness then I see no reason why you should not take your attitude professional and make a living out of it. Life is short and in the end, our happiness is all that we have got.